Deep Thoughts. Silent Roar.

All heads stood still to the day,
Waiting to hear
My talks for the end.
As my foot stood on the soft soil,
The wuss youngs;
My unwobbly strength.
Yelled for the blessings from
The touch of my hem.
My mind quizzed,
Is this greatness?
As i stepped onward,
The days aback, glaring afar.
The motion through the thick
Piled high occasion.
The rough, smooth and
Will o’ the wisp o’ like time out burned.
But a new good day has come
For the good of a whimz-bang start
That is ending.
I strut along,
Riding the stuffy moment.
I kicked.
All that starts
Must meet an end.
The immaculate unseen
That starts an end,
My undeserving graces,
I adore you.
The undoubtings
That right would might.
Who in that faith
Did their bits to the brim.
The dilly people
I sailed on,
Who billed me never to
Be bitter in bitter times.
But to be noble for
A world wide appeal.
Those who picked
To frame me up
For their fame.
But augury
Made bob my uncle.
Made me famous
Under the auspices
Of their anger.
My olds
Who encouraged my sail,
All that i am
And ever hoped to be,
This is my votive thank you
To you all.
My fellow undoubtings
In right would might,
We cannot escape the
Unscrapeable part of history.
We will be remembered inspite
Of our being known or unrenowned.
Our days of fiery trials
Through which we pass
Will tie us down in honour or dishonor
To the latest man and manners.
Our quiet inalienable days aback
Is enough to the thick piled stormy present.
So, we must rise with it.
Think and act anew.
Do all our bits to the brim
With all we have.
The truest of our smooth selfless stewardship.
Is not what is given for fame.
But what we gain from fame.
This is little word of great weight.
A sparingly lent out treasure.
That needs be guzzled and hoarded.
Let your unwavering faith in victory
Help you to non pyrrhic victory.
Learn not to lean on your lengthy lot.
I lucidly joy to have led you.
In lull before the storm.
And to have led with you luxuriantly.
But regret parting with you.
All still heads rouse rumbly.
The unsure deafening silence roared.
As my foot stood on the soft soil.
The future,
Its lingering waves are promising.
This poem first appeared in Deep Thoughts and Silent Roar and are available on Amazon